Alexa Chung

Alexa Chung, das britische Übermädel, das ich hier nicht weiter vorstellen muss, beklagt sich in der aktuellen Elle UK doch tatsächlich darüber, dass sie zu viel kostenloses Zeug geschickt bekommt! Der folgende Abschnitt gibt einen kleinen Blick auf das wahre Ausmaß dieser heftigen Bürde frei:
"I get sent a fair amount of stuff—but it's not all things that I'd have chosen. It makes you question your own taste sometimes. Do I even like this? My house is tiny and I can't fit things in. So if my mum or my friends don't want it, I send it back or give it to a charity shop. It's worrying to think how much those things are worth. When you get it for free it's like, 'Oh, this thing,' and then you see it in a magazine and f**king hell, it's £2,000! Meanwhile you've been scrabbling around in festival mud in it."

Hey Alexa, call meeh! I have viel room for all the nutzlos crap Chanel and Chloe dare to schick you!

Zitat via cocoperez, Bild via listal